Monday 31 December 2012

Week 32 (New Years Eve 2012)

Hello baby,

It's the last day of 2012 and what an exciting year it's been. Daddy and I got married in January, we went on 2 holidays this year - the first to Malaysia with our friends in May and the 2nd for our babymoon to LA in October. Today is our 8 month milestone, so I've been pregnant with you for most of this year! How fast this year has flown by.

It has been a lovely week relaxing with Daddy during this holiday and we have another week of this before we both head back to work. I felt you hiccuping for the first time 2 days ago, it was the funniest feeling in my belly.

I made another hooded towel for you and some more burp cloths on the weekend, plus a cute nursing cover for when I feed you. I'm definitely getting better at sewing though the towel I made came out a lot bigger than I intended....
Hooded towel
Daddy wearing the 'cape'
The above photo is Daddy modeling the super-sized baby towel, he said it looked more like a cape!
Nursing cover
Week 32 bump

How far along? Week 32. You're the size of a squash.
Measurements: 66.4kg on Sunday (an increase of 200g since last week). My belly measurement before breakfast was 98.5cm... I've been inconsistent measuring my belly, so it's hard to compare.
Cravings: None this week
Symptoms: Nothing too bad, less swelling since I haven't been working
Obsessively researching: More DIY tutorials

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Week 31 (Merry Christmas!)

Happy Boxing Day my sweet!

Daddy and I have the next 2 weeks off and we're spending it sleeping, watching movies and relaxing on the couch....bliss. This time next year will be very different with you, I'm sure we will be doing more family things and your grandparents will want to spend lots of time with'll be 10 months by then and will probably be crawling around. We might even take you swimming in the pool - rest assured I have already bought you cute swimming clothes up to 2 years old! Mummy is prepared :)

You've been so active this week, lots of moving around during the day and night. Daddy can really feel you kicking and I can see my belly move when you're shifting around, it's so cool.

Week 31 bump

How far along? Week 31 (and 2 days) You're the size of a pineapple
Measurements: 66.2kg on Sunday (a decrease of 200g which is good because I'm still about a kg more than I should be). Just measured my belly, it's 100cm right now after breakfast - an increase of 2 cm!
Cravings: None this week
Symptoms: Lots of swelling, I think because of the heat
Obsessively researching: Not much, been watching too many movies and korean dramas....haha

Sunday 16 December 2012

The big 3-0!

Hi baby,

We've hit week 30 and are now three-quarters of the way through the pregnancy! Mummy only has 2 more working weeks left with a nice Christmas and NY break in between. Daddy and I will be making the most of this time before you arrive by going out to eat, watch movies and basically relax :)

We went on a date to Dee Why beach today and went back to the cafe that Daddy took me to 2 years ago for my birthday. It was our first time to Dee Why and we decided to re-live the memories. Here are some pics of our day together:

Dee Why - Sandbar Cafe

Dee Why Beach
Week 30 bump
How far along? Week 30 already! You're the size of a cucumber
Measurements: 66.4kg this morning (an increase of 800g! I think a bit too much good food this week). My belly measured 98cm (0.5cm more than last week)
Cravings: Nectarines
Symptoms: Getting used to only eating small meals, I can't fit much in my stomach with you fighting for room :P
Obsessively researching: I've decided on a nappy bag! Can't wait to order this one - the storksak sofia :)
Storksak sofia tan nappy bag

Sunday 9 December 2012

Week 29 (a butternut squash)

Hi baby,

You've been quite active this week, I've even seen my tummy move a few times with your kicks. It's always such a surprise when that happens to actually feel you kick from the inside and see it from the outside. My belly button has started looking weird because my tummy is getting so big now, I think it will be a matter of days or weeks before my belly button pops out :)

We saw the Dr on Tuesday, all is well with you though you are still lying low and fully engaged, which is quite common. At least now I know all the movement I'm feeling at the top of my belly is definitely your feet kicking around, and all the movement I feel at the bottom of my belly are your arms waving about. It's so cute feeling you move.

Daddy and I still can't decide on a name for you. We'll pick a name and then one of us will change our mind. I know we still have a while to really decide but it's such a big decision, we really have to think about it carefully.

Week 29 bump
How far along? Week 29 already, time seems to be flying by.
Measurements: I was 65.2kg this morning (an increase of 400g) and my belly measured 97.5cm - so it is gradually expanding
Cravings: No real cravings, trying to be good and not gain too much weight
Symptoms: Getting used to being so big, it almost feels normal!
Obsessively researching: Nappy bags

Sunday 2 December 2012

Week 28 (my 7 month eggplant)

Hello my sweet,

I'm excited to show you all the little things I've made for you this weekend! Mummy has been busy making you a hooded towel, burp cloths and mittens! I'm quite proud at making all these things on my first attempt.
Baby hooded towel
Baby mittens
Burp cloths
So we've finally reached the 7 month milestone and you're starting to kick harder now. Daddy can feel you kicking more easily and last night I actually saw my belly ripple from you moving! I'm glad you're getting stronger and more active.

It's Grandpa Banh's b'day today so we're going out to celebrate tonight. Auntie Mandy asked him what he wanted for his b'day present and he said he wanted a video camcorder to take videos of you and at Chinese School. So looks like your life will be very well documented by the whole family!

Week 28 bump
How far along? Week 28 - 7 months! You're the size of an eggplant
Measurements: I weighed 64.8kg this morning, an increase of 400g since last week. My belly was measured at 97cm
Cravings: Been trying to be good and eating less sugary food, so unfortunately that means less mangos even though I love them.
Symptoms: night this week it was so bad I had to sleep propped up on 2 pillows.
Obsessively researching: Been busy sewing so no time to research :)

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