Sunday 29 July 2012

Week 10 (and addicted to newborn photos)

Hi baby,

Just starting week 10, I'll be so happy once we reach the first trimester milestone. This week started with a huge craving for oranges, great news for all the vitamin C and balances all the eating out Daddy and I have been doing.

Daddy was watching the Olympics late last night so didn't wake up til 2.30pm today! He should enjoy it because once you come along, he's not going to be able to sleep in anymore! haha

I've been obsessed with looking through newborn photos this weekend. The little hats and cocoons are so adorable! I might try making a few for you and take some photos when you're born. Means I have a great excuse to buy a new SLR body and some prime lens, I can't think of a better reason than to document your growth. I already know I'll be one of those mums with a camera permanently attached to their neck. I want to capture every first moment with you :)

Week 10 bump

How far along? Week 10 already! This pic was taken after lunch and a not sure how much is you and how much is from over-eating :)
Measurements: Our scales have run out of batteries, so I haven't been able to weigh myself this week.
Cravings: Oranges, mandarins and bananas all week - I hope I stick with these healthy cravings though I've been getting cravings for US-style hotdogs, very unhealthy...
Symptoms: General tiredness
Obsessively researching: Newborn photos, photographers, SLR body and lenses

Sunday 22 July 2012

Week 9 (and KFC)

Hi baby,

It has been an uneventful week, thankfully no more throwing up! Been feeling a little bit more energetic and walking the long route back home to get some much-needed exercise. Unfortunately this meant on Friday the temptation for KFC was too much and I took a long detour to get a zinger burger on the way home. Oh it tasted so good! Baby, you've been craving junk food lately! In the last few days we've had KFC, Red Rooster and some karaage chicken....Mummy has tried to compensate by eating more oranges and fruit, hopefully it all evens out in the end :)

Daddy is convinced you'll be a girl....we'll see in the 19 week ultrasound if he's right or not :)

Week 9 bump

How far along? Week 9
Measurements: 53.9k - same as last week
Cravings: Junk food and mango sorbet
Symptoms: General fatigue, not too bad (or maybe I'm just getting used to it now :)
Obsessively researching: Baby carriers - Ergo baby carrier winning out, how cute does this one look?
Ergo baby carrier

Sunday 15 July 2012

Week 8 (your first holiday has been planned!)

Hi baby,

Yesterday morning, Daddy and I booked our babymoon to LA! So you'll be an international jet-setter at 20 weeks :)

7 weeks 2 days
I also saw you for the 2nd time this week, you've almost doubled in size to 1.05cm since the week before and your heartrate has increased to 150bpm. It's great to know you're growing and the doc said everything is looking great. It was amazing to hear your heart beating for the first time, it was so loud and fast!

Week 8 bump

How far along? Week 8 - I think you're making your presence known :)
Measurements: 53.9kg (a whole kilo in 2 weeks!)
Cravings: Everyday it's something different! Had a craving for kimchi last week. Right now I'm munching on burger rings after my craving for an orange.
Symptoms: Morning sickness and nausea has improved since last week but then came back with double force today. Daddy and I got cinema tickets to watch the movie 'Ted' but after leaving the queue, I felt sick and had to run to the toilet. No movie for Daddy today :(
Obsessively researching: Foods to avoid, the list is growing ever longer! Added chrysanthemum tea and papaya to the list today, much to the confusion of your grandmas.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Week 7 (take 2)

Hi baby,

We had our first ultrasound on Wednesday and finally saw you as a teeny tiny 6mm jelly bean (as Daddy is calling you). We also found out that you are only 6 weeks (instead of 7), which means you are hitting all the right stats at 6 weeks with a strong heartbeat of 119bpm. 6 weeks is also the time when morning sickness hits and boy did it hit me on Monday morning at about 4am!

6 weeks 2 days
So I'm experiencing all the pregnancy symptoms, particularly being overwhelmingly exhausted. I've spent all this weekend napping as much as I can.  I don't know how I'm going to get through another week at work....or the next 5 more weeks until I hopefully get all my energy back again once the placenta has finished building and you'll be able to grow more on your own. It's fine though, this entire experience is worth it and I'm relishing every moment knowing that all this energy is making you bigger and stronger.

Here is the first pic of you, the little bean between the 2 crosses.

Love you baby.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Week 7 (and giving Mummy a scare)

Hi baby,

You gave me a scare this morning after I saw some spotting, I told Daddy and we were both a bit scared but hopeful all will be ok, that's pretty much how I've been feeling since finding out we are having you. Scared that we're still in the first trimester and in the danger zone but hopeful all will be well and we'll be holding you in our arms next February. We just have to stay positive that everything will be fine.

I'm really looking forward to our first ultrasound this Wednesday! Hopefully we'll finally see you and listen to your heartbeat for the first time.

Week 7 bump pic

How far along? Week 7. Bump still there, based on all the forums and books I've been reading, it's either bloating and gas (gross, I know) or it's my uterus expanding to accommodate you.
Measurements: 52.9kg (slight dip since last week but negligible). Waist: 72cm and belly: 83cm
Cravings: No cravings yet
Symptoms: Been so tired this week...all my intentions to walk for 30mins each day has gone out the door. I get home from work and just want to nap.
Obsessively researching: clothes to grow with the little bump that aren't maternity clothes. Lots of lovely stuff from the UK, the mailman at work knows me by name with all my online shopping!

Until February.
Love, Mummy
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