Friday 30 November 2018

5y - Lucas the voracious reader

Hi Lucas,

It always astounds me when I read with you at night for bedtime. You're now reading quite advanced books and have been able to phonetically sound out words since you were 3 years old. You taught yourself to read and we're amazed at how effortlessly you do it.

Here are some videos of you reading at 3yo

3 years 2 months

3 years 6 months

At first we thought you memorised the words in the books but Daddy tested you by asking you to read backwards, which you did very well. You also make sure we read every single page, if we miss a page, you let us know right away!

You're also very good with your numbers. You were able to count to 100 at 3, you're now adding and substracting in your head. You learnt all the months and days of the week at 3 as well, so we couldn't trick you on your routine.

A funny video of you at 4y 5m counting when you were pumped full of sugar and needed to sleep. This was at Aunty Mandy's birthday I think.


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