Friday 30 November 2018

The rest of my pregnancy

Hi Joshua!

As I write this, you are already 3 months old and sleeping in the baby carrier while I carry you. I am writing while standing up because you are quite fussy and don't like it when we sit down while carrying you in the carrier. You love to be carried or held...but before I go into how you are in the first 3 months, let me catch up with a blog post on my pregnancy while I was pregnant with you. It feels like a blur now so I better write down my thoughts while I still remember.

I didn't take photos for every week that I was pregnant with you but you can see my growing belly. Your big brother Lucas was good at reminding me to take belly photos on Sunday and he even took on the responsibility of writing the week numbers on the chalkboard.

Here is week 16 - I think this was the first week that I stopped feeling nauseous!
Weight: 58.9kg

Week 16
Week 18 - my birthday week! So here's a photo of my dinner date with Daddy in the city. Mummy got all dressed up :)
Weight: 60.5kg

Dinner date with Daddy for my 40th birthday

Week 19 - photo of Lucas writing the week on the chalkboard

Pregnancy symptoms:
I had pretty bad nausea and fatigue from week 6 to 16. All throughout the pregnancy I had to do blood tests every month, sometimes more than once to monitor my overactive thyroid (Graves disease). And then by week 23, I got diagnosed with borderline gestational diabetes - which meant I had to check my blood sugars 4 times a day and adhere to a special diet. 

Most of the pregnancy was the same though the thyroid issue went away in the third trimester so I didn't have to take any meds. Around week 36 at the OB's office, I was told my blood pressure was too high and had to be monitored and start meds. So I then had to go to the hospital twice a week to get something called an ECG which checked your heart beat and my blood pressure. 

During my hospital visit on Daddy's bday, my blood pressure went too high and I ended up staying in the hospital. We were supposed to have a bday lunch with Daddy but in the end, I was in the hospital getting some tests done. I told Daddy to get a massage since it was his bday and the nurses told me the blood tests would take 2 hours to do. As soon as Daddy left for his massage, the nurses came back and said I had to get a caesarian operation on the OB's orders! Poor Daddy was on the massage table and had to rush back to the hospital, just in time for you to be born that afternoon. So a very exciting day on Daddy's bday and from now on, you and Daddy will celebrate all your birthdays together.


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