Friday 30 November 2018

5y 9m - Interview with Lucas

Hi Lucas,

It's been a while since I've done a dedicated Lucas update. I've taken loads of videos and photos of you but just haven't uploaded here.

You are now 5years old, nearly 6 years in Feb. I interviewed you yesterday thinking I'll update it to your Preschool Year book that I made, I think I'll post it here too! Will be so cute to look back on this and remember what your interests were during this special year where you started a new preschool and made many new friends.

Date: 28 Nov. 18 

 Interview with Lucas Age: 5 years, 9 months 

What is your favourite toy?-       Lego batman-       Batman action figure with the blue eyes 
 Where do you go to school?-       KU North Ryde 
 Who are your teachers?-       Ani and Cosimina 
 Who are your best friends?-       Millie, Harry, Samaira, Jayden 
 What is your favourite colour?-       Dark blue 
 What is your favourite food?-       Sausages-       Fried eggs 
 What’s your favourite number?-       4 Why?-       Because I like Gordon and he was number 4 
 What is your favourite sport?-       Basketball 
 What is your favourite TV show?-       Batman tv series 
 What is your favourite song?-       Spiderman 1967 
 What is your favourite book?-       Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Amazing Adventures 
 What do you want for Christmas?-       Batman Arkham Asylum Lego 
 Who is your favourite person?-       Millie (you did also add Mummy, but seemingly reluctantly, as though you didn't want me to feel bad lol) 
What do you look forward to doing next year?-       My birthday because I get to open presents. 
 What do you want to be when you grow up?-       Spiderman 
 What were your favourite memories this year?-       Making cupcakes-       Playing teenage mutant ninja turtles arcade game-       Becoming a big brother (yes, in that order!) 
 What are you looking forward to?-       Our holiday to Taiwan 
 What is your favourite playstation game?-       Lego marvel superheroes
You also did this interview that I taped when you were 4 years 6 months. I remember we taped this quite randomly while having dinner at the Carlingford food court.
(had to remove the video because you recited our phone numbers and home address...haha)


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