Saturday 1 December 2018

4m photos from Looky Looky

Hi Joshy,

I booked a photo package to capture you at 100 days, 200 days and 1 year from the photography studio Looky Looky. The studio is made up of different sets made especially to capture babies. They had the cutest props to choose from!

I chose 3 concepts and the photographer and assistant cycle through a number of pre-set poses quite quickly. They made you do a lot of tummy time to get the head up poses, you were not happy! By the middle of the 2nd concept, you were grumpy and tired and we had to take a break so I could feed you and give you a 30min nap. After this, you were refreshed for the last concept which was to dress you up like a teddy bear :) Here are some of my favourite pics:


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