Sunday 30 September 2012

Week 19 (a mango!)

Hi baby,

You're 19 weeks today! This week we will have your anatomy scan and will hopefully find out if you are a boy or girl, we're so excited! Your Auntie Mandy has started a betting pool and it seems the odds in the Banh household are heavily in favour of you being a boy based on some scientific study of belly shapes. Daddy still thinks you will be a girl and that is based on no scientific study at all. I have no inkling and will be happy as long as you are delivered safe and healthy.

It was your Auntie Kat and Uncle Dan's wedding yesterday, your first wedding! Based on all the pressure from the oldies, you may not have to wait too long for little cousins to play with...haha

Daddy and I are heading to a baby show now, we're hoping to be able to play with lots of cool baby gadgets and equipment, thanks to Auntie Anna in London for the free tickets!

Week 19 bump

How far along? Week 19, you're the size of my favourite summertime fruit - a mango!
Measurements: ? 59kg...pretty much on target with the suggested weight gain of about 500g a week
Cravings: No special cravings this week, still cooking :)
Symptoms: Feeling fat and clumsy...
Obsessively researching: been a bit busy this week so not much time to research but we are heading to LA in less than 2 weeks so I'll spend the next week researching more things to buy. I did order our first big baby item for you - this baby bjorn bouncer!

 Hello baby,

This is Daddy writing for the first time, and I can tell you I've been very busy listening to mummy complain about how her body is changing. She has a big bump now which you can see in the photos and is due all to you! :)

Mummy used to be able to climb mountains and be very independent, but now with you in her belly she can't even walk home from the bus on Victoria Road! (She makes me carry her handbag now). So if mummy teases you for your 21st birthday you can read this and know that when mummy was pregnant she was a little farting machine! She has no shame, just last week we were at Eastwood for dinner with grandma and grandpa and as we were walking along the street mummy asked us to walk ahead. When we just stood there she let out the biggest fart ever (it sounded a little wet as well), and all she could do besides laugh was blame it on you!

So you can use that anytime to embrass mummy :)

Sunday 23 September 2012

Week 18 (a sweet potato)

Hi baby,

I think it's cute to track your growth each week using fruit (or veg) in comparison, it makes it so much easier when people ask me how big you are. You're the size of a sweet potato this week!

So this week we sent out invites for our baby gender reveal BBQ. Hopefully you won't be feeling shy at your next ultrasound and the technician can tell whether you are a boy or girl. We're going to ask the technician to put the gender result in an envelop which we will give to your Auntie Kathy & Auntie Pumi. They're making a cake and making the inside either pink or blue so that at the BBQ when we cut into the cake, everyone finds out your gender at the same time. It's going to be so much fun! Your Auntie Mandy already started a betting pool and your grandparents were the first to put a bet in :)

Next week is going to be an exciting week. Your Auntie Katrina & Uncle Daniel are getting married on Saturday! It should be a lot of fun and I'm sure you'll see the wedding video when you're older.

Week 18 bump

How far along? Week 18 already! I've got a nice little bump going now, feeling so clumsy and Daddy keeps laughing at my waddling (I do not waddle!). I've been waiting anxiously to feel movement from you but nothing so far. Can't wait to feel your kicks.
Measurements: 58.3kg, same as last week.
Cravings: More homecooking. Lots of bananas and oranges.
Symptoms: I've noticed the line running down my belly, it gets itchy sometimes too!
Obsessively researching: More fabric shopping. Can't wait to head to LA soon!

Sunday 16 September 2012

Week 17 (an onion!)

Hi baby,

Ahh the wonderful 2nd trimester energy boost has kicked in. I've been cooking dinner all week and feeling so much better than I have in months! Poor Daddy has been working late all week, so it was a good week to start cooking again so that Daddy has something to eat when he gets home after 10pm at nights.

Your Auntie Katrina had her first tea ceremony today, it was nice to see everyone all dressed up in suits and dresses. The big day is in 2 weeks, you'll be 19 weeks in her wedding photos by then :)
Week 17 bump

How far along? Week 17, you're the size of an onion this week
Measurements: ? Was rushing to the tea ceremony this morning and didn't have time for a weigh-in. I'll check tomorrow morning before I head to work. I'm looking forward to our trip to LA in 3 weeks so that I can get some bigger clothes to wear for work.
Cravings: No more subway this week. It's been nice to eat homecooked dinners again, feeling much more healthier.
Symptoms: A bit of heartburn but nothing too bad.
Obsessively researching: baby quilt patterns and fabric, gets so addictive matching fabric up. Grandma is going to make a baby quilt for you! And more Amazon researching :)

Sunday 9 September 2012

Week 16 (is that you moving or just gas?)

Hi baby,

I've been feeling little popping sensations in my belly this past week, I've read that it could be you moving more inside me. I hope so because the other alternative is that it's gas....which isn't quite as exciting.

So this week you finally reach 4 months! And boy is my belly starting to show now! It's fun having a noticeable bump. As your Aunty Mandy said when she saw me last week at work, "you finally look pregnant and not just fat". Only family can be that truthful.... :)

The weather has been beautiful this week so I'm going to take advantage of the sunshine and go for a walk after writing this post. Daddy unfortunately got called into work today, he's been on calls the whole weekend. Mummy was too lazy to take a shower before Daddy left, so I don't have the usual baby bump photo this week but I did do a self capture, bear in mind this was after lunch so my tummy looks really huge!

Week 16 bump

How far along? Week 16, you're the size of an avocado this week
Measurements: 57.7kg (more than 1kg since last week! oops, must be all the subway)
Cravings: Auntie Mandy introduced us to subway last week over lunch and I ended up eating it 3 times in a row, been craving pickles and jalapenos lately. And chicken crimpy biscuits. Oh dear, I'm trying to balance it out with oranges and bananas.
Symptoms: None to report this week!
Obsessively researching: been on Amazon this entire week adding items to the wishlist, trying to only buy things that are absolutely essential so I've been reading lots of reviews. Also been reading up on the 4th trimester....interesting tips and tricks to settle you down and mimic the womb. As Daddy said, we're nearly halfway there and I like to be prepared :)

Sunday 2 September 2012

Week 15 (Happy Father's Day!)

Hi baby,

Had a lovely first weekend of Spring, Daddy and I had a yummy lunch by Lavender Bay with your aunties and uncles yesterday and we spent time with your grandparents today to celebrate Father's Day. Next year you'll be able to celebrate Father's Day with Daddy!

We went to see Dr Morris on Wednesday and saw you kicking your legs and waving your arms around via the ultrasound, it was so cute! Unfortunately you were sitting down and quite shy so we couldn't find out if you are a boy or girl.We were glad to hear you're healthy and doing well though!

Here you are sitting down in the ultrasound pic:
Week 14 ultrasound

And now for the expanding belly :)

Week 15 bump
How far along? Week 15, you're the size of an apple this week
Measurements: 56.6kg (unchanged since last week)
Cravings: Nothing in particular this week....
Symptoms: Nausea came back again
Obsessively researching: I must be in early nesting mode because I've been obsessively researching diy muslin swaddle blankets and burp cloths. I even bought some muslin fabric today and plan to stamp it with fabric paint to create some cute designs.
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