Monday 27 August 2012

Week 14 (and in the 2nd trimester! yay!)

Hi baby,

The highlight of this week was finally getting the dreamgenii pregnancy pillow! It's so much more comfortable than using a regular pillow to sleep on my side. Daddy has his eye on it and keeps trying to steal it every time I leave the bed. I'm glad I ordered it early because I'll be able to make good use of it for the next 6 months and it even doubles as a nursing pillow! Best $60 ever!

It's been an uneventful week except for the return of morning sickness. I hope it's just one last hormonal hurrah before first trimester is over and I'll feel energetic and active again going into the 2nd trimester. The weather is warming up as well! Daddy and I can start taking walks after dinner again.

We'll be visiting Dr Morris again next week so will get to see you on the ultrasound again, can't wait!

Week 14 bump

How far along? Week 14
Measurements: 56.6kg
Cravings: Satay beef at the local Chinese joint, had it 2 nights in a row already!
Symptoms: Nausea came back again
Obsessively researching: More onesie decorating ideas and adding lots to the amazon wishlist so we can put in our order before heading to LA in Oct :) I'm compiling all the onesie decorating ideas on my pinterest, let's see how creative we can get!

Sunday 19 August 2012

Week 13 (and another pic of you)

Hi baby,

Daddy and I saw you at our week 12 ultrasound and you had grown so much! The last time we saw you, it was week 7 and you were still a little bean. This week you looked like a baby. Daddy's first words when he saw you was, "wow the head is so big!". It's ok baby, it's totally normal to have a big head right now.

Week 12 ultrasound
This was an exciting week as we found out everything is going well with you and we also started to tell people that we're having you. I'm also starting to really show now!

Week 13 bump

How far along? Week 13
Measurements: 55.9kg
Cravings: Been eating the dumplings Grandma made all week. Actually am making another bowl right now :)
Symptoms: Heartburn and some tiredness
Obsessively researching: Decorating onesies. Mummy is going to ask the aunties and uncles to personalise onesies for you!

Sunday 12 August 2012

Week 12 (and the first trimester is nearly over, yay!)

Hi baby,

I think my belly popped this week! I've been eating the same amount but getting heartburn and realised I can't fit as much in my tummy anymore! It's a strange feeling being so careful with my portions now, something I'll have to get used to for the next 5-6 months. What else is bigger? My boobs! I had to buy a nursing bra this week 2 sizes bigger than normal, they are so comfy and ergonomic, I'm going to be living in these for a while.

Exciting things that happened this week:
(1) Daddy and I finally got our wedding trailer (nearly 7 months after the wedding!), it was beautiful and made us laugh, cringe and get all teary all at the same time, I can't wait for you to be old enough to watch it :)
(2) Crazy storm on Friday  caused the power to be out most of the evening - Daddy and I ended up at McDonald's....I know, so bad!

How far along? Week 12
Measurements: 55.6kg
Cravings:  Dumplings! Your grandma is making some for us this afternoon...yum!
Symptoms: Heartburn
Obsessively researching: Reading birthing experiences! The stories are scary but heartwarming and I want to be as prepared as possible.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Week 11 (and Daddy the handyman)

Hi baby,

It's been a good week - we've been immersed in Olympic fever, we saw the last in the Batman trilogy and Daddy found his inner handyman and fixed the leaking toilet! I've never seen Daddy's handyman prowess before, so am quite impressed :)

Glad we finished week 10, I'm learning how to reduce the nausea by eating regularly though hopefully the morning sickness will improve in a few weeks and I'll get my energy back. I've been an old nana since being pregnant, falling asleep in front of the TV and going to bed early.

Week 11 bump

How far along? Week 11
Measurements: 54.5kg which is on track
Cravings:  bananas, oranges and fried food...2 out of 3 ain't bad :) 
Symptoms: General tiredness and nausea if I don't feed you after a few hours
Obsessively researching: Baby's extended from the newborn phase, I think it will be great to capture your entire first year!
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