Sunday, 29 October 2017

Week 6 - never-ending tiredness

Morning sickness hit me full force this week. I have been so tired, I don't know how I made it through some days. Now that it's the weekend, I just want to spend all day not moving. In a way, I'm glad I have morning sickness because it means my body is working hard to create the placenta for our little bubba.

How far along? 6 weeks
Measurements: too lazy to check
Cravings: ginger, salty crackers, today I had a craving for char kweh teo - but more specifically for the lap cheung, fermented bean curd
Things that make me nauseous: room temperature water made me puke
Symptoms: extreme exhaustion, nausea, constipation, metallic taste in my mouth... makes me remember again how hard the first trimester is. I am dreading going to work tomorrow.

Lucas got so excited when I asked if he wanted to do a week 6 photo. He doesn't know yet about baby number 2 though he does relate it to the photos in my pregnancy album. He's been asking if he can have a baby brother or sister this week. Dave replied that he can have one in 9 months and Lucas replied, "It's not 9 months. It's 39 weeks. Like me"

I really had to force myself to do this photo, as you can tell - hair unbrushed, no makeup.

Week 6
Lucas had a great time dressed as Spider-Man at his school's Halloween party on Friday. He wanted to stay til the party was over, we didn't leave until nearly 7pm. You can imagine how exhausted I was waiting for the party to be over!


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