Saturday 15 March 2014

Sleep regression

Since a few weeks ago, you've regressed in your sleep.  Whenever we put you down for a nap or to sleep for the night, you would pull yourself to standing and cry and scream at the top of your lungs. I was worried you would sleep standing up and fall back and hit your head, so we would go in and put you on your back. Within seconds, you'll pull yourself back up again and cry even louder. Eventually, I would have no choice but to breastfeed you until you fall asleep.

Then you started waking up every 2-3 hours at night. When I put you down, you would pull yourself up and cry rather than go to sleep like you used to do. This happened every night without fail. I got so tired, eventually I would take you to our bed to co-sleep around 3-4am. Finally in frustration, I googled '12 month sleep problems'. I was surprised that it is actually quite common and is termed the 13-month regression. It coincides with your next development milestone of learning to walk and talk. You need more comfort and security because there is so much going on in your head. So based on internet advice, we have to do whatever works for you to get you to sleep, ie. nursing to sleep, co-sleeping, and definitely no crying it out. 

Apparently, this could go on for weeks. We'll just have to tough it out and hope that you'll be happy to fall asleep on your own again soon.

Anyway, I was going through my phone to delete some old photos and videos (I'm always running out of space because I take so many photos and videos of you) and couldn't believe how chubby you were at the 7-9 month mark!

And a video at 37 weeks (8 months) -


nelisa said...

Good Luck mummy! Sounds like a tough time for the little soldier!

lucas said...

Thanks Nel. He's been getting better the past couple days. Fingers crossed it's just a phase!

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