Saturday 15 March 2014

Feeding yourself

A couple weeks ago we noticed you were refusing your food. I tried so many different foods but you just refused to open your mouth or would only take a couple of bites. I was getting worried, especially since we weighed you at your 12 month immunisation and found out you weigh less than you did at 6 months. Finally, I decided to let you feed yourself with some diced veges. It worked! You loved picking up the little cubes of veges. So while you did that, I would prepare your main meal. It was cute watching you pick certain veges to eat first. You especially like carrots.

Lately you also like to play peekaboo. I ask, "Where's Lucas?" and you will pick up the nearest thing and hide your face behind it. Here's a video combining all the new things you've learnt: Where's Lucas? clapping your hands, picking up food with the pincer grip.

It is such a mess after your meals, with splatters of food on the floor, chewed up food falling beneath the tray and squished into your seat, not to mention the bits and pieces in your hair and even your ears! We have to give you a good scrub in the bath after dinner. I'm glad we've reached the next milestone in your development. Your appetite has returned, you love sampling different fruits and veges. Daddy mentioned the other day you look like you've gained weight in the last week.

Some pics of your messy face:


nelisa said...

Oh it's such an effort isn't it? We had a period when the only way Lucas would eat would be if we had nursery rhymes on YouTube playing. Such a tricky phase but it's so awesome when you find something they love. Lucas loves Korean seaweed (low salt) with some rice like sushi. It's our go to if he doesn't eat anything else. Worth a try!

lucas said...

How funny our babies are! I'll have to try the seaweed and nursery rhymes trick when he gets fussy again :) Lucas is getting a more sophisticated palette, I blame it on childcare making him gourmet food, I can't keep up!

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