Wednesday 8 January 2014

Week 47: Your first haircut

Your hair has been a bit wild these days so we finally took you to the hairdresser for your first haircut.

Just to put it into perspective, you're 10.5 months old and this is your first haircut, so it's understandable that your hair looks a bit crazy! Here is a reminder of what it looked like pre-haircut:

On the way to the salon

You were very calm during the haircut, even when the hairdresser took out the electric clippers. You were very curious though, constantly twisting around to see what the hairdresser was doing to your hair. Here are the during photos:

I even saved some of your cut hair...I know, Mummy is so weird.

So here is your new hair style! You look so much more like Daddy now! And also more like a boy. No more confusion from people thinking you are a girl :)


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