Monday 6 January 2014

2013: A look back

What an incredible year it's been! We have been so blessed to have you enter our lives this year. You're a wonderfully good baby, constantly smiling and delighted with the world. You give your affection freely with hugs and sloppy kisses. Whenever you're excited (even over something simple like seeing your sippy cup) you'll kick your legs around and squeal with delight. Whenever you see me after a brief absence, your eyes light up and your whole body will reach for me while you laugh with a loud 'ka ka ka'! I'm so lucky to be your Mummy.

I went through our huge photo archive and am amazed by how much you've grown through the months. There were also some funny photos that made Daddy and I laugh out loud. I've tried to upload photos that haven't been added to the blog yet.

With Mummy and Daddy:

All smiles before getting induced
Hello, Lucas! A few minutes after birth

2 days old
"What am I going to do with him?" haha
3.5 months
5 months
10 months
1 week old

1 month old - looking so much like Daddy!
2.5 months old
Look how chubby your legs are! 4 months old

10 months - bath time. Such a handsome boy

4 days old. Your first smile.
3 weeks old
3 months
6 months - I can sit up!

6 months

6 months

9 months

9 months - 2 bottom teeth

10 months - 2 front teeth


2 days old

3.5 months old
6 months
9 months

With your Grandparents

1 week old
3 weeks old
Almost 3 months old
3 months old
4 months
4 months
6 months
8 months
With your Aunties

1 week old
3 months old
Family resemblance - 5 months

Sad face
2 days old
3 months

4 month immunisation

4 months
6 months

Fingers and toes

2 days old
Look how tiny your fingers were
Holding Uncle Dan's hand at 1 week old
3.5 months
4 months
6 months
From baby seat to stroller

5 days old ready to go home

Almost 3 months old
4 months old
Almost 6 months
8 months - graduated to forward-facing carseat
1 month old
6 months
7 months
Booster seat - 4.5 months
7 months

10 months old
Such a poser
2 weeks old
4 months
Almost 6 months

Moving from bassinet to cot

6 days
2 months
5.5 months
Graduated to big cot - 5.5 months


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