Monday 6 January 2014

Week 46 milestone: First day at day care

Last Friday, we took you to daycare for the first time. Daddy and I were very nervous about leaving you there since you have stranger anxiety and get clingy whenever you don't see me. When we arrived, the carer took you to the sandpit. You played in the sand and kept laughing and playing with the carer.  You loved it so much, you didn't even bother looking up when Daddy and I said goodbye to you. I gave you a kiss and told you we would be back soon. You just kept on playing. I was the one who felt like crying when we left you!

Daddy and I stayed in the city and decided to watch a movie. Throughout the movie, I kept checking my phone to see if the day care called. They didn't. So when the movie finished, I called them to check if you were ok. I found out you were taking a nap and have been really good the entire time! The carer told us to go and have fun and not to worry. So we had a lovely lunch and then walked leisurely to the day care centre to pick you up at 3pm. I found you near the sand pit again, looking a bit upset and making some whingy noises, though otherwise fine. The carers said you did great, especially for a first day. I was so proud of you. I knew you missed me though because you kept hugging and kissing me when I picked you up. You have day care every Friday this month, I hope you will be ok for round 2!


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