Saturday 25 January 2014

Week 49: Hot air balloon

We put the balloon prop together today and took you outside for a photo shoot. Can't decide which photo to use for your first birthday invitation! Too many good photos :)

You look so cheeky in this one

Current favourite

Love this one too!

Friday 24 January 2014

Week 49: Feeding yourself

We got you interested in feeding yourself by giving you watermelon. The first time was so funny. I gave you small pieces that you had difficulty holding. You just loved squeezing all the juice from the watermelon and making a huge juicy mess! I gave you a bigger piece and was so shocked when you put the entire piece in your mouth! It was so funny watching you try to chew the piece of watermelon with your mouth full.

We've started getting you into the habit of brushing your teeth. Here I am living out my alternate life as a dentist:

Here is your 2nd attempt at eating watermelon, taken tonight:

Monday 20 January 2014

11 month sticker photos

I can't believe you're nearly 1! I'm so glad I started documenting these photos every month. It's amazing how much you've changed month by month. Your 2 top teeth have grown a lot, you can really see them! I miss your long old-school hairstyle, you look so much more like a boy now with your spiky hair!

Loving these new photos of you and the family.

Week 48: the beach

These photos are from a week ago when we went to the beach on an impulsive trip. You loved playing in the sand!

Saturday 18 January 2014

From the archives: newborn videos

I was looking back on some videos I took of you at the newborn stage. It's amazing how much you've changed.

5 weeks old: at this stage you still weren't able to hold your head up, focus your eyes or control your hands. You were already talkative though!

7 weeks old: singing and laughing, one of my favourite videos of you:

9 weeks old: Daddy thought it would be funny to tickle your nose. I must admit, it was pretty funny.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Week 48: Back to work

Mummy went back to work this week. Luckily Daddy was home with you so you were ok with our separation. I missed you so much during the day. It was the longest I've been away from you. It was so nice when you gave me a big hug and wet kisses when you saw me at the end of the day. You were so clingy at night as well. I know you missed me too.

I'm back to work for 3 days of the week while we get used to this separation. So far, you seem to be handling it quite well during the day though the last 2 nights you've been waking up more often, possibly wanting the comfort during the night.

You've been having fun with Daddy at Daddy-daycare, look how happy you are:

We've been trying to get you to drink milk since I've weaned you from the day feeds. Look at how well you can multi-task!

Thursday 9 January 2014

Week 47: My smart cookie

You've learnt to touch your head when I ask you, "Where's your head?". Your comprehension skills are improving so much!

We did some gardening today and you were helping Daddy gather up the leaves. Kinda.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Week 47: Videos galore

We got a new dining table the other day and we celebrated by letting you dance on it.

You're still wobbly on your feet but you sure like walking (or bouncing) around. This video was taken before your haircut.

You're such a cheeky boy. Grandma is feeding you dinner and you're laughing as she teaches you Chinese. You look so handsome with your new haircut!

Week 47: Your first haircut

Your hair has been a bit wild these days so we finally took you to the hairdresser for your first haircut.

Just to put it into perspective, you're 10.5 months old and this is your first haircut, so it's understandable that your hair looks a bit crazy! Here is a reminder of what it looked like pre-haircut:

On the way to the salon

You were very calm during the haircut, even when the hairdresser took out the electric clippers. You were very curious though, constantly twisting around to see what the hairdresser was doing to your hair. Here are the during photos:

Monday 6 January 2014

2013: A look back

What an incredible year it's been! We have been so blessed to have you enter our lives this year. You're a wonderfully good baby, constantly smiling and delighted with the world. You give your affection freely with hugs and sloppy kisses. Whenever you're excited (even over something simple like seeing your sippy cup) you'll kick your legs around and squeal with delight. Whenever you see me after a brief absence, your eyes light up and your whole body will reach for me while you laugh with a loud 'ka ka ka'! I'm so lucky to be your Mummy.

I went through our huge photo archive and am amazed by how much you've grown through the months. There were also some funny photos that made Daddy and I laugh out loud. I've tried to upload photos that haven't been added to the blog yet.

With Mummy and Daddy:

All smiles before getting induced
Hello, Lucas! A few minutes after birth

2 days old
"What am I going to do with him?" haha
3.5 months
5 months
10 months
1 week old

Week 46: Goodnight moon

It's fascinating to see how much you've developed these last few months. Your comprehension has improved so much! You love to turn the pages, lift flaps and point to pictures on a page. When I ask you where something is, you can point to it. Here you are reading your bedtime story with Daddy. It's so interesting to compare it to how you interacted with the book when you were 4 months old in this post.

You hair looks quite wild because we just gave you a bath. I think you're overdue for a haircut!

Week 46 milestone: First day at day care

Last Friday, we took you to daycare for the first time. Daddy and I were very nervous about leaving you there since you have stranger anxiety and get clingy whenever you don't see me. When we arrived, the carer took you to the sandpit. You played in the sand and kept laughing and playing with the carer.  You loved it so much, you didn't even bother looking up when Daddy and I said goodbye to you. I gave you a kiss and told you we would be back soon. You just kept on playing. I was the one who felt like crying when we left you!

Daddy and I stayed in the city and decided to watch a movie. Throughout the movie, I kept checking my phone to see if the day care called. They didn't. So when the movie finished, I called them to check if you were ok. I found out you were taking a nap and have been really good the entire time! The carer told us to go and have fun and not to worry. So we had a lovely lunch and then walked leisurely to the day care centre to pick you up at 3pm. I found you near the sand pit again, looking a bit upset and making some whingy noises, though otherwise fine. The carers said you did great, especially for a first day. I was so proud of you. I knew you missed me though because you kept hugging and kissing me when I picked you up. You have day care every Friday this month, I hope you will be ok for round 2!
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