Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Week 40: Video round-up

Oh my gosh, you're 40 weeks old already! I think you had a growth spurt last week, your legs look so long now. I've got lots of youtube videos that haven't been added to the blog, so here's a long round-up:

You're doing a lot of reverse scooting around now and we really need to start baby proofing. You love to eat everything, including my slippers and the carpet (ugh). I have to keep a careful eye on you!

You are getting better at crawling backwards but I can tell you're frustrated at not being able to reach things that are in front of you.

You've learnt to scoot around on your bum! So funny.

Aunty Mandy told me about the "red dot experiment" to test your self-awareness. I put a red dot on your nose and put you in front of the mirror. You didn't touch your nose so it means you're not aware that the person in the mirror is you. Apparently babies aren't self-aware until 18 months, so I'll test you again in a few months to see.

Trying to feed yourself:

You always look super excited when I give you the sippy cup, not because you want to drink water but because you love to play with it.


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