Wednesday 6 November 2013

8 month sticker photos

We took these photos exactly on the day you turned 8 months but it's taken me a couple weeks to  upload to the blog. You have so many funny expressions, I couldn't cull down the photos, so I've uploaded lots of them! :)

  • You're becoming so much more interactive and expressive. You're quick to laugh and also quick to show you're not happy but once we give you some attention, you're back to laughing and giggling again.
  • You make so many funny faces! Still sticking your tongue out and making the funny squinty face.
  • You're sitting up really well but still not crawling forward yet. You can stand for a few seconds on your own and you have really strong legs. You can get around by shuffling backwards but then you can't really navigate. Often I find you stuck under the couch, which cracks me up.
  • You have a wonderful appetite and eat almost everything I give you. Your favourite food is pear and your least favourite food is chicken. You still have breastmilk all through the day and night. You learnt to drink using a straw on the weekend.
  • Sleeping through the night is still the holy grail for mummy. You've slept through the night twice but ever since we've moved to the new house, you've regressed in your sleep and now want to sleep in our bed when you wake up at midnight. We need to do some sleep training when Daddy takes time off work.
  • Your 2 bottom teeth are about to come out. I can definitely feel it when you're nursing!
  • You've grown so much hair in the past couple months! We're on the fence about cutting your hair. It's so cute and scruffy right now and getting a haircut at the hairdresser is scary because you are so fidgety, I'm worried about the sharp scissors!
  • You love playing with toys that require you to press buttons and you love to turn the pages on your walker. You've outgrown Sophie and you're not as excited to see her now. You still love to eat all your toys.
  • You've started showing separation anxiety. It coincided with us moving into the new house, though I did read that all babies between 6-8 months show some degree of separation anxiety. I guess it shows you're maturing. Last week you would cry as soon as I left the room. I googled ways to help with your anxiety and read that playing peekaboo helps you learn that I will return when I leave. Needless to say, we've been playing lots of peekaboo. 
  • The last couple of days, you've started saying "ba ba ba". So now you say: "ma ma ba ba meh meh". You've also strengthened your lungs and can scream really loud! 
  • In the past couple months, you learnt to put your arms up when you want us to hold you. You also know how to hug and give sloppy kisses. It's so sweet getting hugs and kisses from you. I mainly get them at nights when you want to go to sleep...I love them.
  • We still have our bedtime routine, it's still the same: sleep sack, goodnight moon, cuddles, milk and then sleep.

 I have the 8 month video on another camera and can't find the battery recharger. D'oh! Will upload the monthly video when I find it... [edit: Nov 19 - video added above]


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