Sunday 18 August 2013

Week 25: Family photo session

We spent a few hours yesterday doing a family photo session with the photographer, Leah Kua. The location was where Mummy and Daddy got married a couple years ago at Woolwich Dock. We were so lucky with the beautiful weather and quite by accident, there was an art exhibition showing there as well. I think we got some very cool and unique photos with the sculptures as props!

Leah was very patient and relaxing to take photos with, which was important as you were curious about everything! You were constantly distracted by the people walking by, the water, the sun, anything really! I hope she got lots of shots of your big, wide smile.

Mummy had a mini-fashion show to choose what you should wear on the photo shoot earlier in the week. I sent photos and your Aunties voted on the outfit they liked. This was taken after the fashion show - look at all the outfits I tried on you!

We unanimously chose this stripey top and white overalls, it was so simple and timeless:

On the day though, we hit an unexpected snag. You kept wanting to lick your overalls! At first it was cute because you kept sticking your tongue out to lick the top of your overalls but we didn't want every photo to be of you with your tongue out! Luckily, I brought a change of bottoms and we changed you into the cute suspender-shorts that Aunty Katrina and Uncle Dan bought for you:

You were very patient for most of the photo shoot but you missed your afternoon nap and by the end of the shoot, you got grumpy and started crying. As I was calming you down, you fell asleep on my shoulder. Leah was quite resourceful and ended up changing what she had in mind and took some sweet family photos of us with you sleeping on my shoulder. She said those photos were gorgeous - I can't wait to see them!


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