Monday 19 August 2013

6 month sticker photos and video

Happy half-birthday, my sweet. What a busy day for you, starting solids and starring in another photo session :)

I can't believe you're 6 months old already - you've grown so much! You've started rolling from your back to your tummy, reaching for your toes, grabbing on to things and eating from a spoon.

You're such a joy to be around, always smiling and laughing. Mummy and Daddy are so lucky to have you.

Here's your 6-month video, you tried to grab the puppy and your toes at the same time!

This is a funny photo sequence.You don't cry much but when you do, you always have the "sad" face first and then erupt into a full-blown cry. It's so adorable, we can't help but laugh even while we try to pacify you.
Daddy trying to coax you to look at the camera

You're looking grumpy from taking so many photos

Your full-blown cry

And for more laughs, this is what your parents looked like 1 week after you were born. Check out Daddy's bedhead!

This is how we look least we've managed to comb our hair :)
Happy 6 months, Lucas bear!


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