Tuesday 6 August 2013

Week 24 photostory: Graduating to your new crib

You finally outgrew the little bassinet that you've been sleeping in since we brought you home from the hospital. You've been sleeping in your new crib since Sunday. I thought it might take a while for you to get used to your bigger crib but you slept soundly on Sunday night and on Monday morning, you didn't even call out to me when you woke up. I could see you awake in your crib, just looking around at your new surroundings and playing with the little chime I put up on your crib.  You must love being able to stretch out and not hit your arms against the wall.

You must really love the crib because you slept for 8 hours straight last night and you took 2 naps in it today! These are such huge milestones, especially napping during the day because you've always needed me to sleep right next to you during your naps. I decided to do some nap training with you today. I tried it last week and you cried and refused to sleep in the bassinet. Today I put you in the crib while you were still awake and you fell asleep on your own.

Here you are having your nap after playing with petite Sophie and using the lovely blanket - both gifts from Cousin Lan in America.

Here is a pic taken after Daddy put the crib together on Sunday, look how much space you have to roll around!
And because Mummy is sentimental, here is one last pic of you in your bassinet before Daddy disassembled it yesterday. I can't believe how big you've grown since we first brought you home...
24 weeks old
2 weeks old


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