Thursday 30 May 2013

Week 14 video: I'm learning to sit and more photos

It's become a habit to take a few photos of you in the morning to send to the whatsapp family conversation. Sometimes if I forget, I get a friendly reminder from your Grandma or Aunties for some "lucas love". Usually I sit you on my pillow and take a photo of you on the bed. All the other times I've had to use one hand to steady you because you rock to and fro. Today you sat really well on the pillow so I decided to take a video of our morning routine.

You're getting stronger day by day, must be all the tummy time I'm making you do! You're usually chattier and louder in the morning, with your signature gummy smile on show. You've also started to chuckle! So much fun waking up to your smiles.

Here are some more Week 14 photos:

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Week 14 video: In my durag

I took you out to the post office today and the man serving remarked what a cute girl you were! I had dressed you all in blue and you even wore a hat with blue cars on it! I mentioned it in our whatsapp message when we got back home and your Auntie Katrina remarked your hat looked too girly and you should wear a durag. I had no idea what a durag was but after seeing the photo your Aunt sent, I realised I could refashion the bandana bib I made for you last night into a durag! How resourceful is your Mummy! So here are some pics you with - your bandana bib, of us going out in your 'girly' hat and your 'durag' look!
Bandana bib

Looking "girly"

Your makeshift 'durag'!

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Week 13 video: Our little farty-pants and more photos

For such a little baby, you sure let out some loud farts! I wish I had captured your mini explosion in the video, instead we only see the aftermath. You even look a bit sheepish!

Here are some more photos from week 13:

Week 13 video: I love you, darling

Sometimes, you seem to understand what Mummy is saying to you, or at least you know when Mummy is saying, I love you. Skip to 1.33 in the video for our i-love-you's.

Week 13 video: My smiley boy

You're always smiling, my little boy! It's such a joy to see your face brightening into a wide, gummy grin. It just melts Mummy's heart.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Week 13 video: Enjoying a lovely sunny Autumn day

We head out to the backyard today to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. Lucas especially loves looking at the leaves moving in the breeze. We also get some much-needed vitamin K! It was so nice to sit in the courtyard and enjoy the unseasonably warm Autumn day.

Week 13 video: Lucas smiles at me when he wakes up from his nap

I came upstairs to check on him and notice he is quietly amusing himself in the cot after waking up from his morning nap. He looks fascinated with his hands as he waves them about. The cot is getting too small for him and he's only 3 months old! I thought it would last until 6 months. I can't bear the thought of him sleeping in the big cot in his room at night, seems too on his own.

I just love the way he greets me with a smile when he sees me, it just melts my heart. He's such a sweet-natured, smiley baby. We are so lucky to have him.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Week 12 and discovering your hands

Hi Lucas,

You're 3 months old already! You're growing so quickly and filling out your clothes. Daddy and I keep marveling over how chunky your thighs are getting :) Your neck is also getting stronger. Here is the first pic I took of you leaning back against the bed. You're able to sit there on your own for a little while before your head flops forward. You look like a little boy in this picture! You were only 9 weeks old then.

9 weeks old
Here's a video of you stretching away on the change table at 9 weeks:

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