Thursday 28 March 2013

5 week milestones

1. Cooing

You're getting more talkative this week and starting to find your voice. I took a video yesterday while you were playing on your own in the living room.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Your first month

Hi Lucas,

I can't believe it's been 1 month and 2 days since we first welcomed you into the world. Time is flying by and each day I notice your little personality peeking through and changes to your features. I want to capture these early newborn moments as I know how fleeting it is.

Week 2
Week 3
Month 1

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Week 1 - your homecoming and photo shoot

Hi baby,

Your dad will tell you that I'm a bit obsessed with taking photos. It's no surprise then that my son would have a well-documented life with lots of videos and photos. Lucky for us, you're a natural poser with very expressive hands that often send Daddy and I into fits of laughter as you look like you are deliberately posing. Don't believe me? Have a look at these photos:

Day 6 - held by Daddy
Day 8 - being held by Daddy
Day 10 - being fed by Grandma

Sunday 10 March 2013

Our hospital stay

Hello Lucas,

We spent 5 nights at the Mater hospital after you were born, it was such a great place for me and Daddy to learn the basics on how to look after you. Considering Daddy had never held a baby before, there was a lot to learn! Surprisingly, Daddy picked up all the skills very quickly. Actually for the first few days, Daddy changed all your nappies and gave you your first bath. I was still recovering from the caesarian section and couldn't get out of bed easily.

Here are some photos of Daddy in action:
Day 2 - getting changed and burped
Day 3 - getting taught how to bathe you
All fresh after a bath

Friday 8 March 2013

Our labour story

Hello Lucas,

Here is the story of how you came into this world. It's a story that was a lot more dramatic than we would have liked, or even expected, but the important thing is we were both fine after the labour. So now that I have assured you, here is the course of events while it is still fresh in my mind.

Mummy's water broke on Sunday afternoon on February 17th but I wasn't really sure it was my water breaking because it was just a trickle. Daddy and I had dinner at Five Dock with your Grandparents, Mandy and Trevor. Our last meal with you still in my belly was a yummy seafood feast :)

That night I couldn't get to sleep. I kept waking up checking if more of my water was breaking and wondering whether every twinge I felt were contractions. Luckily I was able to pass the time playing a silly game called Candy Crush (that incidentally, both Daddy and Auntie Mandy were also addicted to!).  I drifted in and out of sleep and woke up at 5am to a huge gush of water breaking. I knew that I had to call the hospital but it was still too early, so I waited til 7am before calling the Mater. At this time, I still didn't feel any regular contractions. When I called the hospital, I was expecting the midwife to say we should wait a bit longer until I felt regular contractions. Instead, the midwife told me we had to get to the hospital right away due to the risk of infection since my water had broken yesterday afternoon.  I went upstairs to wake Daddy up and have never seen Daddy jump out of bed so quickly!

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