Sunday 3 February 2013

Week 37 (full term, baby!)

Hi sweetie,

You've now hit 37 weeks, which is momentous because it means you're now considered "full term" and it will be safe for you to pop out anytime now. This was the motivation we needed to finally put together your cot today. Well, Daddy did all the hard work (accompanied with lots of complaining about how hard it was to put together, haha)

So this week was more baby prep - washed all your clothes, blankets and sheets. I also made more candles for thank you gifts and finalised my birth plan after seeing the dr for our weekly visit. Our appointment went well, Dr says everything is going great and he estimates you'll be about 3.3kg when you're born.

Thankfully the weather has cooled down this week, there was actually a thunderstorm warning on Friday which is a huge change from the heat wave 2 weeks ago! The cooler weather has meant I'm not swelling up as much. I actually lost 2kg since last week, I think it was mainly water weight. Unfortunately because of the thunderstorms, Daddy and I couldn't do our maternity photo session yesterday. We might do it in a couple of days but it depends on whether Daddy can take an afternoon off from work. Otherwise, I would quite like to take a family session after you're born. I decided to pamper myself in readiness for the maternity session and actually got lash extensions, which Daddy has been teasing me about for the last few days because he thinks my lash extensions look really scary, haha! What do you think?
Lash extensions
Week 37 bump
How far along? Week 37. You're the size of a wintermelon.
Measurements: 68.6kg- can't believe I lost 2kg since last week! My belly before breakfast was 102cm.
Symptoms: A very sore back, I think because of your position.
Obsessively researching: More amazon shopping


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