Monday 29 October 2012

Week 23 (a grapefruit back home)

Hi baby,

We flew back to Australia yesterday morning and back to work tough getting through the working day. Poor Daddy is still at work and it's nearly 8pm. Hopefully he's on the way home because he promised we would go for a walk tonight.

It was a such a wonderfully relaxing babymoon in LA, we ate so much that I've gained more than I should for 23 weeks! Your extended family in LA were the best and Daddy got a taste of what it's like to look after kids, now he just needs to practise holding babies and changing nappies :)

I don't have the usual bump photo but thought I'd put up some holiday pics with Daddy in Santa Monica.

How far along? Week 23, you're the size of a grapefruit
Measurements: I don't know if it's from using different scales back home now but I weighed 62.7kg this morning...which is just a bit over 1kg since last week. Need to do some exercise or eat less :(
Cravings: No cravings, probably because I ate so many different cuisines in LA
Symptoms: Noticed my fingers swelling up more and possibly my legs. I feel like a beach ball.
Obsessively researching: was just chilling out in LA, didn't research anything this week

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Week 22 (a papaya in LA)

Hi baby,

We're on the 2nd week of our babymoon here in LA. We've managed to order all the baby goodies that we need and are just waiting for them to be delivered. Daddy and I have been eating, sleeping and playing games with your cousins Paige and Caleb. It's good to know when you are born, Daddy will have some practise looking after kids, at least he knows how to play catch, soccer and ipad zombie games.

You've been more active at nights or maybe it's because I am still and can feel you more. We went to watch the movie Looper last night and it seemed like you were scared of the loud noises, you kept hitting Mummy in the stomach whenever the movie got too loud. Daddy still can't feel you moving on the outside yet. Everytime he puts his hand over my belly, you go still. We'll have to wait until you're bigger and stronger before Daddy can feel you.

I took this photo last night just before we went to see the movie. It was just after dinner so my belly looks bigger than it does in the morning.

Week 22 bump

How far along? Week 22, you're the size of a papaya!
Measurements: I lost a little weight since last week. On Sunday I weighed 135.5 pounds, which is 61.5kg. After checking if I'm still on track with my weight gain, I realised I'm actually a bit over! I'm hoping it's because we are using different scales compared to the one in Aus and that I didn't gain that much more weight. In any case, I've lost 0.5pound since last week, probably from all the walking around the malls.
Cravings: Cinnamon pretzels....everytime I pass one at the mall, I have to buy one
Symptoms: Had to finally take off my wedding rings last week because my fingers have swelled up. I got scared I won't be able to take them off if I left them on too long. Oh well....let's hope I'll still fit them after you're born.
Obsessively researching: no more researching this past week because we can't order anymore things from the US.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Week 21 (we're in LA!)

Hi baby,

Daddy and I are in LA on our babymoon right now. It's been relaxing here and I've already bought so much for you. We've been battling with jet lag so we are wide awake at night and so sleepy during the day. I also feel you moving more at night...maybe you're jet lagged too :)

The baby clothes are so cute and cheap over here. We've only been here for less than a week and I've bought enough clothes for the first 2 years for you! I also ordered your stroller last night and will be getting your travel crib today which should come in handy if we decide to visit France next year for Daddy's friend's wedding.

Here is a pic of a (very) small selection of your baby clothes that we bought:
Shopping spree!
Compared to our visit to LA around this time last year, I've noticed such a big difference, I've been getting tired so easily now, can barely manage a few stores before my feet get tired and I want to sit down. All Daddy and I want to do is laze around and rest. At least 1 person in our family is active, last night you kicked harder than normal and I actually felt it on the outside! I can't wait for Daddy to feel you kick as well.

I don't have our usual bump photo this week but I did weigh myself on Sunday, so here is the latest:

How far along? Week 21, you're the size of a pomegranate
Measurements: ? 136 pounds which is 61.7kg...! 
Cravings: No cravings, been eating lots of different foods here
Symptoms: Tired feet
Obsessively researching: last minute price comparisons before putting online orders in for your stroller, travel crib and accessories

Sunday 7 October 2012

Week 20 (and your gender revealed....)

Hi baby,

What an exciting day we had at your gender reveal BBQ! I couldn't sleep all night because I was so excited to finally find out if you will be a boy or girl. I asked Daddy in the morning if he was excited, he said he wasn't because he already knew you would be a girl! Well, little did he know....haha

It was a beautiful day for a BBQ hosted at your Grandpa and Grandma Tran's place, the food was so yummy and we were all excited to find out your gender. Auntie Kathy and Pumi brought an adorable cake over that they made last night, it came complete with a little clothesline which I plan to paste into your scrapbook.
Gender reveal cake
 Daddy and I cut the cake to find out the colour inside....there was so much anticipation!

 And we all found out you will be a .....

cake result

It was wonderful finding out your gender with our family and close friends. Your Grandparents were so happy and I think Daddy was a bit stunned.

So it's been an eventful week. We had your 19 week anatomy scan and was glad to find out that you're healthy. I have been feeling you moving more this week though only in the lower part of my tummy. At the ultrasound we found out it's because the placenta is at the front of my tummy so we have to wait til you're bigger to feel your movements. Daddy has been really looking forward to feeling you move, he'll only have to wait a couple more weeks.

Week 19 ultrasound
We've got an exciting week planned because Daddy and I head to LA this Friday! We're looking forward to staying with your Uncle Kevin and Auntie Dana, we've also got so many online shopping packages to pick up!
Week 20 bump

How far along? Week 20, you're the size of a banana! Last Wednesday you were 15.4cm according to your ultrasound
Measurements: ? 59.6kg...we're on track!
Cravings: Olives, yum!
Symptoms: Nothing bad though if I stand too long my feet and back hurt a bit
Obsessively researching: finally bought your baby carrier! Have been researching strollers and camera stuff, still tossing over whether to invest in another camera and lens.
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