Sunday 26 November 2017

Week 8 - Take 2

Went to the OB earlier in the week and was told my estimated due date is a week later than we thought on 28 June. This means we had to do week 8 photos again. Had an appointment with the endocrinologist and found I also have an autoimmune disorder. So now am on meds to control it.

This week was another very tiring week. I don't know how I am getting through the working days as I am vomiting at work and constantly need to nap.

I weighed myself on the weekend and found I've actually lost weight, just a kilo. It's been a tough week of more tiredness. The OB said the morning sickness will get worse before it gets better by the end of the first trimester. So another 4-5 weeks left to go!

Weight - 57.9kg
Symptoms - extreme exhaustion, headaches from the meds, not able to sleep at night, my body temperature seems to be quite hot
Craving - fruit! Cold drinks
Researching - nothing much. Trying to just make it through the day without feeling too bad.


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