Sunday 26 November 2017

Week 9 - finally some rest

I resigned from my job this week so was able to rest at home from Wed to Friday. Of course, Murphy's Law also means I got struck by a cold on Wed and have been coughing and feeling sick since then. On Wed when I was at home, Lucas was so sweet and told Dave's parents that he wanted to stay home to look after me and the baby.

I am glad I have the next 3 weeks to rest before starting my new job. These few weeks will see me through the first trimester. Hopefully I'll get my energy back for the 2nd trimester and I'll be able to feel more normal again.

Weight: 58.9kg
Cravings: fruit, cheese - this baby has the same tastes as Dave!
Symptoms: still extremely tired, have difficulty sleeping with all my coughing in the night
Researching: bought some maternity clothes today bc my clothes are starting to feel tight, my tummy is starting to show a bit now

Week 8 - Take 2

Went to the OB earlier in the week and was told my estimated due date is a week later than we thought on 28 June. This means we had to do week 8 photos again. Had an appointment with the endocrinologist and found I also have an autoimmune disorder. So now am on meds to control it.

This week was another very tiring week. I don't know how I am getting through the working days as I am vomiting at work and constantly need to nap.

I weighed myself on the weekend and found I've actually lost weight, just a kilo. It's been a tough week of more tiredness. The OB said the morning sickness will get worse before it gets better by the end of the first trimester. So another 4-5 weeks left to go!

Weight - 57.9kg
Symptoms - extreme exhaustion, headaches from the meds, not able to sleep at night, my body temperature seems to be quite hot
Craving - fruit! Cold drinks
Researching - nothing much. Trying to just make it through the day without feeling too bad.

Sunday 12 November 2017

Week 8 - nausea and fatigue

I was too tired to get dressed and take a photo last week. Lucas was asking about our Week 7 photo but it just didn't happen. Today he was super excited when I took the chalkboard out and wrote Week 8. He's loving the thought of being a big brother. He gives me kisses on my belly and asks when he'll be able to see his baby brother or sister. It was very easy to tell him because he had already figured it out when we took our first weekly photo. He actually told Grandpa the news and said: "Mummy has a 6 week old baby brother in her tummy".

In a way, it's good that we have 4+ years as an age difference. He's able to look after himself more now and he's very understanding when I tell him I'm too tired. On Thursday we had a long day with walking around Macquarie Centre in the evening waiting for Dave to travel down from work. By the time we got home around 8.30, I was crawling into bed. I told Lucas I didn't have the energy to read him bed time stories, so while I was in bed, he came into the room and asked to give me a good night cuddle before he went to sleep. I'm really glad to see how mature he is.

How far along? 8 weeks
Measurements: not sure. Last week was 58.9kg
Cravings: cold drinks, mints, congee
Things that make me nauseous: room temperature water, smell of onion, smell of the fridge, floral smells
Symptoms: so so tired, needing to nap constantly, nausea and dry heaving, diarrhoea (I know, ugh. Last week was constipation. I think it's my pregnancy vitamins)

Latest news from me - I have verbally accepted a new job offer. Thankfully once I resign from my job, I'll be able to rest through the first trimester at home. That will be such bliss. One more week of work to go.
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