Sunday 29 October 2017

Week 6 - never-ending tiredness

Morning sickness hit me full force this week. I have been so tired, I don't know how I made it through some days. Now that it's the weekend, I just want to spend all day not moving. In a way, I'm glad I have morning sickness because it means my body is working hard to create the placenta for our little bubba.

How far along? 6 weeks
Measurements: too lazy to check
Cravings: ginger, salty crackers, today I had a craving for char kweh teo - but more specifically for the lap cheung, fermented bean curd
Things that make me nauseous: room temperature water made me puke
Symptoms: extreme exhaustion, nausea, constipation, metallic taste in my mouth... makes me remember again how hard the first trimester is. I am dreading going to work tomorrow.

Lucas got so excited when I asked if he wanted to do a week 6 photo. He doesn't know yet about baby number 2 though he does relate it to the photos in my pregnancy album. He's been asking if he can have a baby brother or sister this week. Dave replied that he can have one in 9 months and Lucas replied, "It's not 9 months. It's 39 weeks. Like me"

I really had to force myself to do this photo, as you can tell - hair unbrushed, no makeup.

Week 6
Lucas had a great time dressed as Spider-Man at his school's Halloween party on Friday. He wanted to stay til the party was over, we didn't leave until nearly 7pm. You can imagine how exhausted I was waiting for the party to be over!

Sunday 22 October 2017

Retrospective for baby number 2! (Week 5)

I am so excited to be starting this journey again. After a couple years of trying and a few months of Lucas asking us if he can have a baby brother or sister....we are finally on our way to meet baby number 2!

It is still very early days, only 5 weeks into the pregnancy. I am scared, excited and a bit hesitant on whether to start blogging again but after seeing how interested Lucas is in seeing the weeks when he was in my tummy, I thought I would do this again so baby number 2 can have the same experience.

We found out we were pregnant last Sunday after I did no less than 4 tests! This week has been spent getting a few more blood tests to make sure everything is ok. I've already booked an Obstetrician and also the maternity hospital. I'm much more efficient the 2nd time around!!

How far along? 5 weeks
Measurements: 58.6kg
Cravings: None
Symptoms: None yet. I'm hoping to keep morning sickness at bay!

Lucas joining in for the first weekly photo :) We've decided to give Lucas the news when things have settled down a bit. Last week (before we found out we were pregnant), Lucas wanted a baby sister and wanted to call her Emily Curtis. This week he wants 2 baby brothers, one called Richard and the other called Rosie :)

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