Sunday 19 July 2015

2y5m - Mummy's work trip

I was away on a work trip to America for 2 weeks and got back yesterday morning. It was the longest I'd been away from you and I missed you every day! Luckily we were able to do video chats while I was away. On one of the chats, I showed you a Gordon train that I had bought you. Imagine my surprise when I saw you in the morning and asked if you wanted to see your presents and your first excited words were: "Big Gordon?" You had remembered our conversation and obviously been thinking about Big Gordon!

So, in addition to Big Gordon, I also got you lots of Disney Car toys. You were so excited to show your new toys!

We had brunch with Daddy's friends yesterday and walked through a park to get to the cafe. I asked if you wanted to play on the playground after and you excitedly said yes. When we passed the park and didn't stop to play, you looked surprised and went, "Daddy! What happened?" It was so funny, I hadn't heard you ask that question before.

This is you after our brunch, walking back to the park. You look so cheery.

You're still a very cautious boy and you take your time to warm up to new adventures. I think it's because we coddle you so much and are a bit over-protective. Once you try something for the first time though, you get comfortable and can't wait to try it again!

Here is a video of you trying the new slide in this park for the first time. You can see how cautious you are and even said you were scared when you got to the top of the slide!

And here is a 2nd video of you feeling much more brave going up the big slippery dip. Check out the huge smile on your face as you are sliding down!

Here is a video I took while I was in San Francisco on my work trip. I was able to take a trolley ride on my last day there and filmed the streets of San Francisco.


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