Saturday 30 May 2015

Daycare story: People watching

Report from daycare (19th May 2015)

On Friday, Lucas was observed standing by the window in awe of something he could see outside. "Look, Anna!" he said, pointing to a group of people down below in the café. "Ahh, I see the people, Lucas. What are they doing?" I asked him. Lucas thought about my question for a moment, turning to look at me. "Mmmm?" he murmed.

"Are they sitting down or standing up?" I quizzed. Lucas immediately answered "Sit down!" with enthusiasm. The conversation between Lucas and I attracted the attention of some of the other Toddlers, who gathered around to join in. Ivy, one of our newest Toddler classmates came by to join Lucas in our people-spotting game. "They're eating lunch!" Ivy said, much to the delight of Lucas.


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