Wednesday 14 January 2015

2014 Merry Christmas

Another wonderful Christmas spent with family. We put up the Christmas tree a week before Christmas and surprisingly, you did not try to open the presents under the tree! Here is a rare photo of you with the Santa hat on, you were not as cooperative as you were last year...

We spent Christmas Day with Grandma & Grandpa Tran. Aunty Yvonne cooked a yummy roast and after lunch you got a huge surprise!

 Here's a video of you in action with your new wheels!

Exhausted from all the excitement of Christmas Day.
 Your favourite past-time: collecting all your trains and lining them up.

We spent Boxing day at home with a BBQ. There were lots more presents for you (all Thomas-related of course!) We even had Aunty Katrina and Uncle Dan joining us via Skype on our TV - love technology!
Giving Grandma a kiss
All the presents waiting to be opened!
Here's another video capturing the day:

I took lots of videos this year to make these iMovies, so don't have as many photos compared to last year.

Here are some more non-iMovie videos of you opening presents - love your squeal of delight when you see it's more Thomas!

And more wheels for you! You're getting the hang of unwrapping presents. I'm sure next year we won't need to give you any help ripping through the wrapping!

Here's a link to the Christmas 2013 post year. You've grown so much taller and lost a lot of your chubby baby fat. You were only just starting to crawl last year and this year you're running around and dancing away. Such a big difference in one year!

We spent New Years Eve watching fireworks in Dee Why this year at Aunty Lin and Uncle Joe's house. We had glow sticks that you loved to play with. When you saw the fireworks you went, "Wow!".


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