Saturday 27 December 2014

22 month sticker photos

I took these photos with Daddy this afternoon (a week later than your usual sticker photos). You were laughing and having fun playing with Daddy outside so I ran into the house to get the big camera. Love these photos that I captured. You have such a cheeky personality!

Love your big smiles

Your "I'm dobbing on Daddy" face
You're only 2 months away from turning 2! This year you have developed so much. Your verbal skills in particular have improved this past month. Just today at lunch, you wanted water and said, "more please". Daddy and I were so surprised! You like doing things at your own pace though. When Daddy and I asked you to say "please" again, you refused. You have quite a stubborn streak! You are still ga-ga crazy over Thomas the Tank Engine. You are collecting quite the stash thanks to your generous Aunties, Uncles and Grandparents. You could listen to the Thomas theme song day and night and love singing the song.

Aunty Katrina was saying how you seem to have 2 Thomas t-shirts in rotation, that's because you refuse to wear anything that doesn't have Thomas on it! If your Thomas t-shirts are in the wash, you'll deign to wear one of the other characters but even then you have a pecking order. First you'll wear James and if that isn't available, you'll agree to wear Percy. The carers at daycare say you have quite a quirky personality and grow very attached to things. Last week, I went to collect you from daycare and the carers said they had to specially wash and dry the t-shirt you were wearing because you spilled milk on it and they wanted to change you but you refused to change into the other non-Thomas t-shirt that we packed in your bag. I now pack one of your little toys to take to daycare  because you like the comfort of having something familiar with you during the day. I always find you still holding your toy at the end of the day.

You've really regressed in your sleep this past month. It seems to have coincided with me weaning you earlier in the month. I've been trying to replace the bonding experience with extra cuddles at night but you are now demanding I hold your hand until you fall asleep. This also means when you wake up in the middle of the night, you want me to hold your hand til you fall asleep again. These days I just end up sleeping on the floor next to your crib because I'm so tired. We need to sleep train you again but now that you're older, you seem to be more scared of being alone in the room so I'm hesitant to do the cry it out method with you. We'll just have to take it slowly.

This is what happens when we ask you were your belly is

 New words that you've been saying this month:
- Lots of Thomas characters, in particular 'Gordon'. It looks like Thomas has a new rival now. You are loving any pictures or books with Gordon in it.
- paper, please, car, train, home, up, down, ants, straw, sticker, juice, rice, bowl, blue, shoes, hello, flower, oval, bye bye (or dai dai as you pronounce it), water

Sticker video:

More photos below:

Those lips!


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