Wednesday 25 December 2013

Week 44: Merry Christmas!

We celebrated our first Christmas as a family today! You loved playing with everyone and you also loved opening up all your presents! We hosted Christmas lunch in our new home.

We took family photos around the tree:

Look at all the presents you got for Christmas, you were obviously on Santa's nice list :)
Lounging in your armchair from Uncle Trevor and Aunty Mandy

All your presents!

Loving the playpen from your Grandparents


nelisa said...

Merry 1st Christmas Lucas Banh! We not only share a first name, but 1st Christmas outfits too! Except I didn't wear a hat, made me look fat.
xoxo Lucas L

lucas said...

Thank you Lucas L! Hope you had a fun first Christmas too. Wish I can see you in the Christmas outfit. I'm sure you looked super cute!
LJ xx

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