Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Week 43: 10 months sticker photos

You're 10 months old today! I can't believe how much you've developed in the last month.

Milestones for this month:
- You started crawling forward in the last few days and getting faster as you army crawl around the living room. I have to keep a careful eye on you because you keep crawling over to the Christmas tree to open your presents!
- You've got 2 bottom teeth and 1 upper tooth is just cutting through.
- You're more expressive and can communicate your feelings more, especially when you're not happy. Your scream is quite terrifying, especially in the middle of the shopping centre.
- You're more stable on your feet and if I hold both your hands, you can walk around.
- You've been sleeping in your own room for the last week. I think you actually prefer being in your own room because it's quieter. Some mornings you're quite happy to play quietly in your crib until we come to get you. I don't even hear you call out over the baby monitor!
- It's mango season and you sure love your mango mash.
- We've moved on from purees and you're quite happy to munch away at things.

You were sleepy when we took these photos


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