Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Week 36: Lots of videos and photos

I've been quite busy during the days now that we've moved into our new house, so have been neglecting the blog for a bit. I have been taking lots of videos on my phone though! So here are the videos I've taken in the last week.

You've recently learnt to shake your head, though you're not saying 'No'. It's just random shaking and sometimes nodding of your head. It's quite funny, especially when we ask you a question and it looks like you're saying no to us.

You're still not crawling yet but you have learnt to shuffle backwards. I found you shuffled right under the couch the other day!

On the weekend, you got the case of the giggles whenever we made the shushing noise. For some reason, you found it hilarious!

 You're much more stable standing now -

 And your 2 bottom teeth look like they are about to come out:

A photo I took this morning while you were absorbed watching tv.
 I couldn't resist putting together this comparison of your changing profile:


nelisa said...

Tummy time is really good now! You're gonna miss these days when you don't have to chase him about because all he'll want to crawl to are shoes!

lucas said...

I heard your little Lucas is racing around really well :) He sounds like such a cutie!
I'll try to enjoy these stationery days and watching him shuffling around backwards :)

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