Thursday 24 October 2013

Week 35 milestone: Turning on the TV

Yesterday morning, I was in the kitchen getting you a sippy cup when I suddenly heard the TV come on. I was so surprised and ran into the living room. This was what I found:

You had taken the remote and worked out how to turn the tv on! I found you completely engrossed in watching the news. It was so funny! You definitely have your priorities straight - 8 months old, can't crawl but knows how to turn on the tv.

Here's a video that Aunty Mandy took of you when she came over with Uncle Trevor. She wanted to motivate you to do tummy time by giving you the remote to turn on the tv. She really made you work for the tv!

Here are some more photos from the week taken on my phone:

I bought you a pair of baby sunglasses that wrap around your head. Here you are trying it for the first time. You really did not like it, I think because it was too dark with the sunglasses on. So I've been trying to get you used to the sunglasses out in the sunlight. You still hate putting it on. Sigh...I hope you get used to wearing it soon.

Final few photos from our last home...I miss the hardwood floors! Hopefully we can remove the carpet in our new house and sand down the hardwood underneath.

Fresh from a bath, I love spiking your hair up
Packing from our last home


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