Wednesday 5 December 2018

5y9m - fussy eater

Hi Lucas,

Do you remember how fussy you were with your food? I’m really hoping it is something you will grow out of! Currently you refuse to eat any veges and the only fruit you will eat is watermelon. You do automatically feed yourself 2 vitamins a day because you see them as treats/rewards, so at least you’re getting some nutrients!

Your favourite foods are:
Sausages, eggs, fried rice, rice in general, roti, satay chicken skewers, boost juice, chicken rice, pho, com tam. Yes, you’s asian through and through with your food choices!

You have 1 piece of toast for breakfast, and even then it’s always an endeavour to get you to finish the toast. I’ve tried cutting the toast up into superhero shapes but that didn’t really work. Now I just cut the toast into quarters so it seems less of an effort to works.

Something funny happened yesterday regarding your lunch at school. Daddy usually makes you rice and pork floss for lunch in a thermos to take to school. Then when I am ready after feeding Josh, I’ll pack your lunch, morning tea and drink bottle into your bag. Yesterday I packed everything away and when I came home was told we didn’t make you any lunch. Daddy had left the hot water in the thermos and had apparently told me he was in a rush and couldn’t get your lunch ready. I didn’t hear him as I was still asleep. At lunch time, you opened your thermos and exclaimed, “Mummy and Daddy only gave me water for lunch!”. The teachers and everyone thought it was very funny. 

So what else do you eat? Morning tea these days consist of seaweed and apricot or fruit bites. Sometimes we put in crackers. Grapes once or twice but were never eaten. We really need to broaden your taste buds before school next year!

Saturday 1 December 2018

4m photos from Looky Looky

Hi Joshy,

I booked a photo package to capture you at 100 days, 200 days and 1 year from the photography studio Looky Looky. The studio is made up of different sets made especially to capture babies. They had the cutest props to choose from!

I chose 3 concepts and the photographer and assistant cycle through a number of pre-set poses quite quickly. They made you do a lot of tummy time to get the head up poses, you were not happy! By the middle of the 2nd concept, you were grumpy and tired and we had to take a break so I could feed you and give you a 30min nap. After this, you were refreshed for the last concept which was to dress you up like a teddy bear :) Here are some of my favourite pics:

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