Wednesday 6 December 2017

Week 11 - skipped a week

I had my NIPT scan on Friday and based on the size measured during the scan, I was actually at 11 weeks 2 days. We got busy over the weekend and didn't end up taking a week 11 photo (yes, we've skipped week 10). I'm quite happy being further along bc hopefully it means my morning sickness will be over in a few more weeks.

I'm still suffering from morning sickness, still nauseous and tired. I'm taking meds that are reducing my immunity as well, so I've had a cough and flu-like symptoms for 2 weeks already.

It's been wonderful being able to rest the last couple weeks though. I'm not sure how I would have made it through working for a full day.

This week Lucas went to Luna Park with Daddy and was so brave to ride the big rollercoaster.  It was also Grandpa's birthday so we celebrated over lunch and dinner.

Weight: 58.5kg - I think the nausea has stopped me from gaining weight. I checked online for acceptable weight gain during the first trimester and it's only 0.5kg-1kg, so shouldn't be gaining much anyway. I am starting to show a bit though can still wear most of my regular clothes.
Symptoms: nausea, tiredness, random things make me puke and dry heave
Researching: xmas present ideas

11 weeks + 2 day scan

Such a brave boy!
Grandpa's birthday


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