Saturday 17 January 2015

21 & 22 months: videos galore!

I recently got a new iPhone with plenty of storage, which explains why I have so many videos of you now! I've also been obsessed with making iMovies, which are so easy and so much fun.

This was the very first iMovie I made, a compilation of your dance moves whenever the Thomas theme song comes on.

This was a video I made of you playing at our local park. You make so many funny expressions!

A video taken during bed time of you counting 1 to 10. Aunty Mandy says you sound like Gollum! haha

Singing Twinkle Twinkle

Wednesday 14 January 2015

2014 Merry Christmas

Another wonderful Christmas spent with family. We put up the Christmas tree a week before Christmas and surprisingly, you did not try to open the presents under the tree! Here is a rare photo of you with the Santa hat on, you were not as cooperative as you were last year...

We spent Christmas Day with Grandma & Grandpa Tran. Aunty Yvonne cooked a yummy roast and after lunch you got a huge surprise!

 Here's a video of you in action with your new wheels!

Exhausted from all the excitement of Christmas Day.
 Your favourite past-time: collecting all your trains and lining them up.

We spent Boxing day at home with a BBQ. There were lots more presents for you (all Thomas-related of course!) We even had Aunty Katrina and Uncle Dan joining us via Skype on our TV - love technology!
Giving Grandma a kiss
All the presents waiting to be opened!
Here's another video capturing the day:

I took lots of videos this year to make these iMovies, so don't have as many photos compared to last year.

Here are some more non-iMovie videos of you opening presents - love your squeal of delight when you see it's more Thomas!

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