Tuesday 11 November 2014

20 months: an update

Sorry Lucas - I missed your 20 month sticker photos! Something kept coming up and we just never got around to it. We have lots of photos this month though from our holiday to Vanuatu. You're such a funny boy, I want to record all the funny things that have happened.

Things you love:
- the ipad! Oh my gosh, Daddy and I have to spell out the word 'ipad' now because if we say the word, your ears immediately perk up and you ask for it. You are an absolute pro on it, you've found all the games I tried to hide in folders and you figure out how to play them without us teaching you. We had no choice but to give you the ipad during dinner time at Vanuatu, otherwise you would be so disruptive and throw your toys on the ground or complain loudly. Without fail, one of the waiters or guests would walk by and see you tapping away at the screen and they would remark at how smart you are. Same thing happened on the flight back, an old lady actually brought her friend over to watch you play because they couldn't believe you knew what to do. We're giving you an ipad-detox right now that we're home because it's too unhealthy to be so fixated on the ipad.
- you sing along to quite a few songs now, it's so cute that you can carry a tune even though you can't quite say the words. Songs that you like - wheels on the bus, there was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name, alphabet song
- speaking of words, you love to say 'No'. You say it all the time. It's like you're going into the terrible two's already! You love to push boundaries, you ignore us if you don't want to listen and you're very unpredictable!
- Thomas. Oh my gosh, how did I forget to mention your crazy fan addition for anything Thomas! The last 2 nights, you fell asleep hugging a Thomas book. You would refuse any book but Thomas. If we take the book from you before you've fallen asleep, you would cry and demand it back. It's hilarious watching you hug such oversized and heavy books to sleep! You also insist on wearing clothes with Thomas on it. On the weekend, I was dressing you in summer clothes but you spied a long-sleeve Thomas hoody. It was too hot to wear the hoody but you refused to let it go. So I compromised by letting you hold the hoody while I put a short-sleeve shirt on you. You continued to hold the hoody throughout the car ride to the local shopping centre.
- whenever a song comes on that you like (particularly the theme songs to children's shows) you will wiggle your bum and move your shoulders. You also do the shoulder wiggle when you eat something that you like, it's like you can't contain your delight and have to do a little shimmy to express your happiness.
- you have this uncanny ability to recognise our car. We try to trick you with other black cars but you somehow recognise which one is ours. Daddy and I were at the shopping mall the other week and were having trouble finding our car, you had actually spotted it before we did after we walked right past it. You excitedly screamed, "There! There!"
- You're fascinated with belly buttons, especially your own. Now that the weather is warmer, I've been dressing you in t-shirts and shorts, so you love to pull your t-shirt up and point to your belly.

- Earlier this month, we learnt a trick that would put you back to sleep when you woke up in the middle of the night. Previously I would wake up bleary-eyed whenever you cried and usually ended up carrying you into our room to sleep because you would refuse to sleep. One night, I was so tired that I used our baby monitor and used the intercom function to tell you to go back to sleep. To my utter amazement, after I said, "Lie down, Lucas. Go to sleep" you immediately laid down and went to sleep! I thought it was a fluke but it happened the next night. I called it my, "voice of God" trick. Whenever I used it, you would look around a bit confused and then immediately fall to the crib and go to sleep. You're getting a bit smarter now so it doesn't work during the day but on the occasion when you wake in the middle of the night, the "voice of God" still works.

- You're so fussy and only like Asian food. We had lots of trouble getting you to eat the food in Vanuatu because they did not have any Asian options, so we had to order risotto practically every meal for you.
- Favourite foods: miso soup, yoghurt, watermelon, vanilla milkshakes, french fries
- At restaurants, you take your bowl and very loudly say 'BOWL!' to the waiters, your way to express that you want food NOW! It's funny and a bit mortifying.
- Your signal to us when you no longer want to eat is to close your eyes and move your head around, it's as though if you don't see your food then you don't have to eat it. Or you will pretend like you want to fall asleep by rubbing your eyes so that your hand is in front of your mouth and we can't put get the spoon near your mouth. You've actually been doing this since we first started feeding you but I didn't remember to write it until Daddy reminded me.

- Trains, cars, anything with wheels!
- Thomas. Anything that has Thomas on it.
- You still love books, especially Thomas books.

-You have your own language and babble away to yourself all the time
- You're still not saying very much though you understand everything we say, including Chinese words from your Grandparents
- English words: No, book, more, there, da da (Thomas), bus, wow (and it is expressed as Wow!), hi, hello, bye, shoes, choo choo (train), vroom vroom (car), bowl, yesh (yes), bah (for smoochy kiss)...that's all I can think of for now
- Still not saying mummy or daddy :(

How cool are these little gifs - I just found the feature on the blog!


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