Monday 13 October 2014

19 months: uh-oh

Aunty Mandy bought you a lego Thomas train set on Saturday night, so of course all Sunday you were obsessed with the lego train. Everytime you pulled it apart, you would say "uh-oh".

I have a funny uh-oh story of you. On Friday, as I was putting you in the bath, I noticed you were straining to do a poo so I called out to Daddy to grab a nappy so we could catch it before you did a poo in the bath. Daddy came just in time and we managed to catch one of your little nuggets. We thought we were safe. The entire bath you kept saying 'uh-oh, uh-oh". We couldn't figure out why. As we drained the bath, you put you hand into the water and fished out a lump of poo! Daddy and I both went, "Ahhhh" and I quickly grabbed you out of the bath to rinse you in the shower. Daddy had the job of disinfecting the bath and getting rid of the HUGE poo you did!

While I was dressing you after the bath, you went "uh-oh" again and proceeded to do a wee right on the change table, without a nappy on. I got so scared hearing your 'uh-ohs' after that.


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