Wednesday 24 September 2014

19 month sticker photos and video

It's Spring now and the weather is so lovely. You love going out to the backyard and playing with your trucks and cars. I put up a sand table for you today so you have more to amuse yourself. It was a lovely day to take your sticker photos.

You can understand and communicate so much more now. You even follow our instructions and are learning how to be patient (especially when an app takes a while to load on the ipad). You're also not shy when you like or don't like something. With your recent Thomas obsession, you've been quite vocal about wearing clothes with Thomas on it. I don't even have time to take the clothes down from the clothes line - you want to wear them as soon as they are dry.

You have so many funny expressions. Your most recent one is making what Aunty Mandy calls the "Sharkface". You think it's hilarious and do it all the time!

Shark face!

Here's the sticker video and more photos after the link:

Such a poser!


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