Saturday 26 April 2014

14months: singing old macdonald

Your favourite words are: ba, ga and variations thereof. Here's a video I just took of us playing outside and singing 'Old Macdonald had a farm'.

Monday 21 April 2014

14 months: making a mess

While I was uploading your photos to the blog, this was what you were doing:

At least I've finally found a way to get you to practise standing and walking!

14 month sticker photos and video

You turned 14 months over the long Easter break. It's been so much fun spending time with you at home.

Your favourite things at 14 months:
  • Going outside to look at planes and birds. Whenever you hear planes flying overhead or birds chirping, you get really excited and start pointing outside wanting to go out.
  • You're loving Sandra Boynton books, especially the book Doggies.
  • Playing music. You also press the buttons on your toys until you get to a song. Then you hum and bop along with a big smile on your face.
  • Singing nursery rhymes. I love how you give me a clap whenever we finish a song. I think you picked that up from daycare. It's the cutest thing.
  • Your Elmo lift the flap book.
  • Rice. You love to eat rice, whether it is Asian-style or risotto. You've been putting on weight in the last few weeks and finally now over 9kg.
  • Baby yoghurt.
  • Plums and apples.
  • Babyccinos! You'll drink milk as long as it's warm and frothy. 
  • Watching channel 22.
Things you don't like:
  • Getting water in your eyes when we wash your hair.
  • Getting a haircut! We had to leave the hairdresser with only half your hair cut because you were upset. I had to finish the job the next day. I did a passable job but as you can see in the sticker photos, we will have to find a baby-friendly hairdresser in a few months time or I'll have  to watch youtube vidoes to learn how to cut your hair.

Crossing your ankles
Little drooler
 So hard to take photos of you this month! You wouldn't sit still.

13 months: another park

We've started exploring our neighbourhood and checking out all the parks. We went to visit this one last week and it was particularly cool. It's been a bit cold and wet lately so we were lucky to have some time at the park before it started raining.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

13 months: your first babyccino and lots of other videos and photos

You tried a babyccino today and loved the frothy milk. Your milk moustache after every sip was adorable.

Lately you seem to grow attached to certain toys and will carry them everywhere with you. Last week it was a red block. You took it with you to bed, into the bath and during your meals. It was only the one particular block, any other circular block wouldn't do.

This week you've been taking a green coin around that goes into your new piggy bank toy. Again, it is only the green coin that you reach for, no other colour. You're currently taking a nap now and holding on to the green coin. You can see the coin in the video below when we high-five each other. Your "ke ke ke" laugh is so infectious!

We can really see more of your personality coming through. You've developed funny quirks, likes and dislikes, and these change everyday. You will like carrots one day and then refuse to eat them the next. With plums, f we cut them into easy-to-eat pieces, you refuse to eat them and would upend them on the floor. If we just peel off the skin and give you the whole plum, you will happily gnaw away at it - see video below:

Some photos from my iPhone:

Saturday 5 April 2014

13mths - Gorgeous day at the park

Even though it's autumn here, today was sunny and warm. We took you to a new park that's only a 5 min drive from home. You're too young to enjoy the park equipment but you still had fun with Daddy.

Milestone for the week: you're finally sleeping through the night! You have been getting over a virus and have been more tired than normal but hopefully you're learning self-settling techniques and after you get over your virus, you'll still be a good sleeper. Fingers crossed!

Do you look like Daddy?

Your legs are so skinny now

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