Tuesday 31 December 2013

Week 45: 2013 New Year's Eve at the beach

2013 has been an amazing year. It has been such a joy to watch you develop from a little 2.63kg newborn to a crawling and laughing 10-month old baby.

We took you to the beach for the first time today and you loved playing in the sand!  We'll have to take you to the beach more often. Here are some photos and videos capturing your first time at the beach.

You especially liked to eat the sand...

You have 2 front teeth now!

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Week 44: Merry Christmas!

We celebrated our first Christmas as a family today! You loved playing with everyone and you also loved opening up all your presents! We hosted Christmas lunch in our new home.

We took family photos around the tree:

Week 42: All dressed up

We attended Uncle Quang's wedding last week. Mummy dressed you up in a little bowtie onesie, you looked so handsome. Mummy and Daddy looked quite nice too :)

On the way to the ceremony

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Week 43: 10 months sticker photos

You're 10 months old today! I can't believe how much you've developed in the last month.

Milestones for this month:
- You started crawling forward in the last few days and getting faster as you army crawl around the living room. I have to keep a careful eye on you because you keep crawling over to the Christmas tree to open your presents!
- You've got 2 bottom teeth and 1 upper tooth is just cutting through.
- You're more expressive and can communicate your feelings more, especially when you're not happy. Your scream is quite terrifying, especially in the middle of the shopping centre.
- You're more stable on your feet and if I hold both your hands, you can walk around.
- You've been sleeping in your own room for the last week. I think you actually prefer being in your own room because it's quieter. Some mornings you're quite happy to play quietly in your crib until we come to get you. I don't even hear you call out over the baby monitor!
- It's mango season and you sure love your mango mash.
- We've moved on from purees and you're quite happy to munch away at things.

You were sleepy when we took these photos

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Week 43: Crawling motivation

Daddy put the TV remote in front of you to motivate you to crawl forward. It really works!

You're still doing squinty eyes for no apparent reason. You're also fascinated with the water in your sippy cup, it's really cute.

Friday 13 December 2013

Week 42 milestone: Commando crawling!

You're finally crawling forward! I noticed you were pushing off your toes to go forward and play with your ball. This morning we tried to entice you to go forward by turning off the TV and putting the remote control in front of you. It worked!

I was playing peekaboo with you under the walker. I love your squeals of laughter!

Thursday 12 December 2013

Week 41: Cute photos from last week

Our internet connection has been really slow so I haven't been able to upload any photos. It seems to be working now, so I'm uploading a few photos from last week. We spent lots of time in the backyard while Daddy painted indoors.

Week 42: Our first Christmas tree

I was so excited to get a Christmas tree for your first Christmas. I went a bit overboard with the xmas decorations and even ordered a personalised ornament to commemorate our first Christmas. I want to start a new tradition of getting a special ornament every year. Here is the 2013 one, it has our names on it!

The tree - with over 200 ornaments! I think it looks so pretty.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Week 42: Trip to the zoo

Daddy has been on leave for a week now and he's managed to paint all the rooms in the house and also take us to the zoo on Monday. I think you're still too young to appreciate the animals and you were grumpy most of the day because you didn't have a long enough morning nap.

We drove into the city and then took a ferry to the zoo. We saw a few animals but it was a hot day and you were too fussy, so we left after your afternoon nap.

View of the Harbour Bridge from the ferry

On the ferry

Our first animal sighting - a sleeping koala

View of the city skyline

Sunday 8 December 2013

Week 41: Cute videos

This is how you laugh when you get excited, it's the cutest thing! You do this when you see me or Daddy and want to be held. It always works, how can we resist?

Here you are playing with your food. We gave you watermelon in the little food pouch, you look like you're playing aeroplanes with it.

You love to sing, especially in the car with the radio on:

Sunday 1 December 2013

Week 40: Happy birthday, Grandpa!

We celebrated Grandpa's birthday today over yum cha, his first birthday as a Grandpa! Definitely a big milestone :) You have so many expressions - happy, bored, bored and more bored-looking expressions. I love capturing your expressions, it makes me laugh looking at them again!

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