Tuesday 23 June 2015

Daycare story: Shapes

Daycare report - 17th June 2015

Lucas had a great time playing the hide and seek game that extend on our circle shape learning experience. “One, two, three, four, five.” He covered his eyes while he started to count. “Can you find circle shape?” the Toddler educator asked him. Lucas immediately started to look for the circle shape in the yard. “Here, red circle.,” he said as he waved the big circle that he had found under the beam. “Well done Lucas!” said his educator and his friends, giving him big clap and cheer. “Again, again,” Lucas asked his educator. We continued playing this game until lunchtime. Through this experience Lucas developed his learning, social skills and interaction skills with his peers.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Alpaca farmstay at the Hunter Valley

We drove for 2 hours to Hunter Valley to stay at an Alpaca farm for 3 days. Mummy is starting a new job so I thought it would be nice to take a few days for a family trip and to also celebrate Daddy's birthday. I booked a farm stay thinking you would enjoy seeing the farm animals. The accommodation also looked quite nice with a 2 bedroom cottage overlooking the water. In the morning, I tried to prepare you for our trip to the farm. This was your lackluster response:

Never mind, I thought once you got to the farm, you would be really excited about seeing the animals.

We arrived in the afternoon to a beautiful view of the water in front of our cottage.

Here's the cottage where we spent 3 nights.
Our cottage in the background
We  went to feed the alpacas. You were quite scared at first and so was Daddy. The alpacas were quite aggressive when they heard the rattle of the bucket with the food.

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