Friday 30 May 2014

14 months: photos from my iphone

Here are some photos from last month that I finally uploaded from my phone. These are the everyday moments at home and out and about.

 You look so mature compared to your 9 month photos!

Mummy and Daddy take you into the city on the bus for 2 days a week to attend daycare. We've been taking you in the carrier but now that you're getting bigger, we'll have to take the stroller.

How cute do you look in the adidas hoodie that Aunty Mandy bought you?

Wednesday 28 May 2014

15 months: boy in the mirror

I took these videos of you in front of the was so funny! You kept kissing your reflection. You knew it was 'Lucas' in the mirror, I wonder if you know that is actually you yet? You also found out how funny it was to blow raspberries into the mirror and left marks everywhere! This is why we need to clean our mirrors!

You were very cheeky this morning too.

Some photos from today.

14 & 15 months: daycare photos

Here are some snapshots taken at daycare in the last month.

Sunday 25 May 2014

15 months: lots of videos

I was hanging out the laundry yesterday while you played on the mat in the garden. You crawled over to me and started taking out the pegs and giving them to me to hang up the laundry. It was so sweet! I got Daddy to take a video of it today.

We've got lots of mandarins growing in the garden, so I picked one from the tree. You loved eating them and refused to share with Daddy.

Some more videos...

Sunday 18 May 2014

15 month sticker photos and video

15 months old today!

Daddy and I had a hard time getting you to look at the camera to take these photos! As you can see, you were absorbed with playing the little keyboard, opening and closing the shutters, reading the book...

You're not walking yet but you do like walking when we hold your hands. You look more steady on your feet when you stand up and cruise around. I have a feeling you'll start taking your first steps this month.

In the last 2 weeks, your appetite has improved so much. You love to drink milk and have gained 0.5kg already! You have the cutest little pot belly now. You also had a growth spurt.

You're not talking yet but you do babble a lot. Your favourite word today was 'bam bam bam'.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

14 months: videos of you playing

You still love holding on to your green coin. Recently you've been hiding your coin underneath your tray and then taking it out with a flourish when we ask you where the coin is. It's so cute. You also try to hide your sippy cup but it's a bit big to hide.

Here's a video from a couple of weeks ago playing throw and catch with grandma and grandpa.

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